Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/16/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy, we met Kathryn Shoenberger-a communications associate from Washington, D.C., and Matt Farr-from Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, who is an associate director of annual giving. Both are hoping to unseat Sandie Baker, from East Point, Michigan and is a translation coordinator; from her 5 day streak as Jeopardy Champion.

The categories for the Jeopardy round of play were as follows: We Have Laws, Pup Culture, That's Painful, Potpourri, Iowa and The “END” Is Just The Beginning. Sandie started off as usual, scoring the first clue with Pup Culture for $200. It referenced the popular “Hound Dog,” song by none other than Elvis Presley. Matt took the $400 dollar clue about the popular comic dog, Snoopy-going to the Moon. Sandie showed up for the $600 dollar clue about the loveable Jetson's dog, Astro. Making an uncharacteristic mistake on the $800 dollar clue, Sandie allowed Kathryn to steal with the correct answer of, “Marley and Me,”-a story by John Grogan. Sandie was able to redeem herself, however, when she answered correctly for the $1,000 dollar clue about William Wegman and his doggy calendars.

Moving on to We Have Laws, Matt took the first $200 dollar clue about Massachusetts banning the sale of alcohol on Election Day. No one risked an answer on the $400 dollar clue about causing “Mayhem” in Rhode Island. Sandie took the $600 dollar clue about “Doorknobs” being banned in Vancouver, Canada-as levers are easier on an aging population, they are the only door opening mechanisms allowed in knew construction. Matt took a misstep on the $800 dollar clue that allowed Kathryn to get the right answer of “Firefighters,” which Louisiana law prohibits cursing at these people, whether volunteer or not, during the course of their duties. Sandie picked up the $1000 dollar clue about the act of spousal infidelity, or “Adultery.”

Sandie moved on to Potpourri for $200, which Matt took with “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,”-Bless The Bed That I Lie On. Sandie got the $400 dollar clue in the same category. She then went on to get the $600 and $800 dollar clues, as well. Jennie was able to grab the $1000 dollar clue with, “What is the Interior,” referring to the cabinet department that Sandy Jewell was appointed to by President Obama.

Moving on to The “END” Is Just The Beginning, Sandie snagged the $200 dollar clue with, End-zone, which is the 10 yard section at opposing ends of a football field. Sandie also snagged the $400 and $600 dollar clues. Kathryn, however, was quicker on the buzzer for the $800 dollar clue about providing a permanent financial fund to a college or place of learning with, “What is Endow.” Matt finally found his way into the black with the $1000 dollar clue about being native to, or found in a specific place. The correct answer was, “What is Endemic.”

Going big, Matt moved on to That's painful for $800, and found a nice Daily Double. The Daily Doulbe allows players to risk any amount of money they choose, as long as they have that much on their board. If not, they can risk up to $1000. Risking the $1000 he'd just gained, Matt made it a True Daily Double and came up with the correct answer of “What is Rheumatoid Arthritis.” R.A., for short, Rheumatoid Arthritis is an auto-immune disease that attacks the cartilage in the joints. Matt stayed with the category for the $1000 dollar clue, but slipped up in his answer. Kathryn was there for the steal with the correct answer for regional enteritis, “What is Crohn's Disease.” Staying with the same category for the $600 dollar clue, Kathryn wasn't quick enough to beat Sandie to the answer, of “What are Headaches,” referring to sinus and cluster types of the painful condition. Sandie took the $400 dollar clue and Kathryn finished out the category of pain with “What is a heart attack,” for the myocardial infarction.

The last category in the Jeopardy round was all about Iowa, and Matt scored first with a clue about the mighty Mississippi. Sandie took the $400 dollar clue about the very first set of surviving septuplets. It went back to Matt for the $600 dollar clue about gambling on “riverboats.” Sandie took the $800 clue, but no one was able to grab the $1000 clue about Buddy Holly and where his plane crashed.

Going into the Jeopardy round the categories were as follows, with Matt choosing first. A Farsi Lexicon, Al Pacino movies; by role, American Authors, Former U.N. Members, Bread, and The Staff of Life, as in Life Magazine.

Choosing the A Farsi Lexicon, Matt gave Sandie a chance to earn some more for her total with the $2000 dollar clue. Sandie also took the $400 dollar clue, and Kathryn was able to score with the $800 dollar clue, about the Iranian version of “Chess.” Matt was able to take the $1200 dollar clue and Kathryn scored again with the correct answer to the $1600 dollar clue.

Kathryn moved on to American Author's and scored the $400 dollar clue to boot. Matt got the $800 dollar clue, and no one nabbed the $1200 dollar clue. Sandie scored the $1600 dollar clue about author Anne Tyler. The $2000 dollar clue proved to be difficult and no one was able to pull it in.

Sandie then moved on to Al Pacino movies for $400, which Kathryn quickly picked up. Sandie then took the $800 dollar clue, and also got the $1200 dollar clue about “Dick Tracy,” when Kathryn slipped up on an incorrect answer. Sandie was also able to nab the $1600 dollar clue, but answered incorrectly on the $2000 dollar clue. Kathryn was also incorrect in her answer, for the loss of $2000.

The Bread category was next on the list and Sandie scored first on the $400 dollar clue, after Matt answered incorrectly. He was able to redeem himself thought, with the $800 and $1200 dollar clues. Kathryn was able to snag the $1600 dollar clue about English crumpets. She was also able to correctly answer the $2000 dollar clue.

Matt was able to score first in the Former U.N. Members category, with a correct answer about Tanzania, formerly being Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Matt jumped down to the $2000 dollar clue, which Kathryn answered incorrectly. Sandie was able to grab the steal with the correct answer of Yemen, which used to be North and South in distinction. She also took the $800 dollar clue and landed on the Daily Double on the $1200 dollar clue. Risking a healthy $3000, Sandie pulled a win out of her hat with Taiwan, who was kicked out of the U.N in favor of their mainland adversary. Kathryn finished the category with the correct response for the $1600 dollar clue.

The Staff of Life, was the last category, and Matt scored first with the $400 dollar clue. Sandie was able to score on the $2000 dollar clue after Kathryn gave an incorrect guess. She also grabbed the $800 dollar clue, and landed on the other video, Daily Double for the $1200 dollar clue. Risking a modest $2000 dollars, Sandie again answered correctly with, “What is The Old Man and the Sea.” Filling out the rest of the category with the $1600 dollar clue.

The Final Jeopardy round centered on T.V. Music, and Sandie went into the action with an easy $20,000 lead. Matt finished third with nothing, having risked all of his $4600 on an incorrect answer. Kathryn wagered $3400 of her $5800 to finish second. Sandie, who characteristically wagers low, walked away as a 6th day champion with an even $25,000 to put her 6-day total at $140,200!

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