Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/14/2014

During this episode of Jeopardy, three day champion Sandie Baker tried to hold onto her title against a librarian from Colorado-Chrissy Swisher, and Devin Baker-a government secretary, and the only male contestant on tonight's show.

Taking a moment to wish his mother a “Happy Birthday,” Alex Trebek started the Jeopardy round off, with these categories. Croquet Monsieur, Good Luck Charms, Six-Letter Bible Books, Cliches, Warm and Fuzzy. Devin scored first on the $200 dollar clue about Horseshoes hanging above your door by 7 sturdy nails. Sandie went on to score next on the $200 dollar clue for Psalms-referencing poems that praise God. Chrissy snagged the $400 dollar clue, putting everyone on the board in the positive.

The contestants moved all over the board, going from Six Letter Bible Books, to Fuzzy, in which Chrissy claimed the $200 dollar clue about Fuzzy-Wuzzy the “Bear.” Sandie claimed the $400 and $600 dollar clues for the Fuzzy category. Devin claimed the $800 dollar prize with “Fuzzy Navel” a drink made of equal parts orange juice and peach Schnapps; and then moved back to Good Luck Charms for $400. Sandie took the $400 dollar clue and stayed for the $600 dollar clue, which went to Chrissy. With the answer of “What are crickets,” it referenced insects in Asia, that are tickled so they'll sing. She went on to the $1000 dollar clue for Fuzzy, which Sandie promptly nabbed.

Devin snagged the $800 dollar clue for Good Luck Charms, and Sandie took the $1000 dollar clue about St. Christopher being the patron saint of travelers. She also got the correct answer for Romans in the Bible Books category for the Daily Double, being the Epistle of man being judged by faith without the law. She wagered a $1000, and it paid off! Devin lost on the $800 dollar clue for Bible Books, which neither woman tried to answer. Sandie then took the $1000 dollar clue about Purim or “Esther” who celebrated the saving of her entire people from Haman-an anti-Semite.

After a commercial break, and the usual, “Get to Know the Contestants,” round of information; Sandie chose Warm for $200, which Chrissy snagged easily. Sandie nabbed the $400 dollar clue about the Navy fleet in San Diego, California. Devin stepped up for the $600 dollar clue about Mombasa, Kenya.  Sandie also sneaked up to take the $800 and $1000 prizes.

Moving on to Cliches for $200 Devin took this clue along with the $400 and $600 dollar clue (after a rare miss by Sandie). Devin went on to also grab the $800 dollar clue for Cliches, but no one was able to get Homer, as the poet who “sometimes nods.”

After a mispronunciation, the last category was handled with the $200 dollar clue going to no one. Devin again chose for the $800 dollar clue that Chrissy snagged. It talked about a situation in Croquet, where a players ball has gone through all the wickets and is free to be a, “Rover.” Chrissy also snapped up the $1000 clue for the category with the correct answer of Wynona Rider-who played “strip croquet,” with Christian Slater in the movie “Heathers.” On the $600 clue, Sandie had another of her rare missteps, and Devin snagged the right answer to claim the prize. He also nabbed the $400 dollar clue about Wimbledon.

Going into Double Jeopardy, we dealt with the following categories. Born 100 Years Ago, Fruit in the Word, For Your Reference, Kings of Music, Scientific Discoveries, and The Big 5. Sandie got things started by taking the $400 dollar clue in Fruit in the Word. Devin then missed on the $800 dollar word, which neither lady tried to answer. No one took a stab at the $1200 dollar clue either, but Sandie nabbed the $1600 dollar clue with “FIGment,” of your imagination. The $2000 dollar clue for Fruit in the Name dealt with “Grapple” or to struggle with someone in hand-to-hand combat, which no one was able to guess.

Moving on to Born 100 Years Ago, Devin took the $400 dollar clue about Joe DiMaggio. Chrissy took the $800 dollar clue in Born 100 Years Ago and moved to For Your Reference for $800. Chrissy also got the $1200 dollar clue, and Sandie came along to snag the $1600 dollar clue for the same category. Sandie also took the $2000 clue after a misstep by Chrissy. She incorrectly guessed the APA was the American Psychological Association, when in fact it is the American Psychiatric Association.

Snagging another Daily Double on the $1600 dollar clue for Born 100 Years ago, Sandie risked $3000 and got the answer about Dylan Thomas correct. Devin also had a $1600 dollar positive gain in his score after a previous answer to a clue in Fruit in the Word was deemed acceptable. He then nabbed the $2000 dollar clue in Born 100 Years ago to bring his total even higher. Moving on to The Big 5, Devin scored first with the $400 dollar clue. Sandie then took the $800 dollar clue. Chrissy jumped on the bandwagon as well with the answer for the $1200 and $1600 dollar clues. She then went over to Kings of Music for $400. Grabbing the right answer for that clue-about Chubby Checker being the undisputed king of the twist, Devin then went back to The Big 5 for $2000, which went to Sandie. The answers to The Kings of Music went all over the place. Chrissy took the $800 dollar clue about Surf guitars, and Devin got the $1200 dollar clue about Calypso music Harry Belafonte and the Day-O!, line. Sandie took both the $1600 and $2000 dollar clues, after a close call from Chrissy.

The last category to deal with in this round of Jeopardy was Scientific Discovery. Starting with the $400 dollar clue, no one was able to guess that Ole Roemer discovered that Light has a fixed speed and can cross Earth's orbit in just 22 minutes. Sandie did, however get the $800 dollar clue about the discovery of Sacharin, and also landed on the other Daily Double for the $1200 dollar clue. Risking a modest $2000, she again got the answer correct with Ozone Layer, for the protective layer of the stratosphere around Earth. With the final buzzer going off, the Final Jeopardy round was upon them after the break.

The category for this Final Jeopardy was Signs and Symbols. With an impressive lead over her opponents, Sandie sat poised to once again keep her title alive. Chrissy, lost everything on her gamble, after failing to come up with an answer. Devin also struggled to come up with an answer, which cost him $1000 dollars. He finished in second place with $8800. Sandie however, reigned supreme, even after her failure to produce an answer as well. Wagering only $200 dollars, she hauled in $26,600 to increase her 4-day total to an amazing $95,200.

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