Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/15/2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/15/2014

On this episode of Jeopardy, impressive, 4-day champion Sandie Baker-a translation coordinator from East Point, Michigan; tried to hold on to her title yet again. Facing two opponents: J.D.Lape-a digital marketer from Corona, California, and Jennie Crabbe-a copy editor from Baldwin, Missouri.

The categories in the Jeopardy round were as follows: Sea Worthy Movies, Medals and Decorations, Charles Dickens, Facts About Figures, Big City Figures, and “ITS” At The End.

Jennie scored first with the correct answer to the Sea Worthy Movies, $200 dollar clue, referencing The Orca, as Quint's sea worthy boat in “What is Jaws.” J.D., took the $400 dollar clue about “What is Captain Phillips,” which was shown on a video clip. Going back to Jennie, she correctly guessed “What is the Poseidon Adventure,” about the 1972 classic. Jennie also scored the $800 dollar clue, and Sandie brought up the rear with the $1000 clue about Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman in, “What is Crimson Tide.”

Moving on to Charles Dickens, Jennie nabbed the $200 dollar clue about Dickens 'great'test work, “What is Great Expectations.” Jennie then moved on to Medals and Decorations for $200, which Sandie nabbed with “Who is Lennon.” Sandie also took the $400 dollar Dickens clue about Nicolas,
“Nickelby.” No one was able to name the profession of Dickens female infatuation, Ellen Ternan, for the $600 dollar clue; she was “an actress.” Taking what appeared to be a 'guess,' Sandie snagged the $800 dollar clue about an unfinished Dickens mystery, “What is The Mystery of Edwin Drood.” The $1000 dollar clue proved elusive to everyone, as the contestants remained silent.

Moving on to Big City Mayors, the $200 dollar clue went quickly to J.D., with “What is Chicago,” for Rahm Emanuel. They give you the mayor, the contestant names the city which they preside over. Jennie scored in the category with the $400 dollar clue and took the $600 dollar clue as well. Sandie got in on the action with the $800 dollar clue about London's bike riding mayor, Boris Johnson. She took the $1000 dollar clue to round out the category, as well and moved on to Medals and Decorations.

J.D., scored on the $400 dollar clue by citing Mexico as the country that honored foreigners who gave distinguished service to the order of the Aztec eagle. Jennie took the $600 dollar clue and Sandie not only got the $800 dollar clue, but also landed on the Daily Double for the $1000 dollar clue. Risking a healthy $1500 dollars, Sandie increased her growing lead considerably, with the correct answer.

Moving on to Facts About Figures, J.D., scored on the $200 dollar clue with “Gemini,” which is the Zodiac sign that is symbolized by two human figures. He also nabbed the $400 dollar clue about Greek pottery. Sandie took the $600 dollar clue about figure skating in the 1990's. Jennie snuck in to take the $800 dollar clue and also scored the $1000 dollar clue; after a slip-up by J.D.

Going into the last round, J.D., took the first clue for $200, but coming up with “What are Summits,” referencing a meeting by world leaders, or the tops of mountains. Jennie came along to grab the $400 dollar clue about nun's clothing with “What are habits.” Sandie stole the $800 dollar clue with “What are hermits.” referencing reclusive cave-dwellers. J.D., took the $800 dollar clue with “What are Forfeits,” which are sports wins, without actually playing a game. And the final clue for the Jeopardy round went to, Sandie.

The Double Jeopardy round got off to a great start with these categories: Organizations, 10-Letter Words, True “North”, Song of the South, The Far East and The Old West. J.D., chose The Far East for $400, which Sandie promptly took. The clue was all about “milking” snakes for antidotes in the Thai capitol of Bangkok. Sandie also got the $800 dollar credit for the same category, but J.D., was quick to recover, grabbing the $1200 dollar clue. No one was able to grab the $1600 or $2000 dollar clues for the Far East category.

Moving on to True North, J.D., took an early go at it with the $400 dollar clue. Sandie snagged the $800 dollar clue about Oliver North, and his illegal Nicaraguan Contras activity. J.D., was punishingly close to the correct answer for the $800 dollar clue about NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement; but said the word Act instead of Agreement. Jennie in turn said the answer correctly for the steal. Jennie also took the $1600 dollar clue about North Face luggage and hiking equipment company, and landed on the other Daily Double, for the $2000 dollar clue. Risking a hefty $3,000 dollars, Jennie was unable to come up with the correct answer, but was well aware of it as Alex Trebek started to say it.

The contestants moved on to 10 Letter Words for $400, which J.D., took with “What is Cantaloupe,” referencing a melon with orange flesh. Sandie nabbed both the $800 and $1200 dollar clues, and Jennie snuck in for the $1600 dollar clue. Doing her best at Italian pronunciation, Sandie snagged the $2000 dollar clue about blown glass art from the Italian for “Million flowers.”

Moving on to Song of the South, Sandie scored first with “What is Dixie Land.” for the $400 dollar clue. She went on to grab the $800, $1200 and $1600 dollar clues. No one, however, was able to guess the Boondock's lyrics of “What is a Crawfish” hole.

The contestants moved on to The Old West, but no one was able to grab the $400 dollar clue about the Pony Express. Sandie took the $800 dollar clue, and the $1200 dollar clue went to J.D., for the correct answer of “What is Scalping.” Sioux Chief, Little Turtle did that to settler Robert McGee. Landing on the Daily Double for the $1600 dollar clue, J.D., got close to a “True Daily Double” risking $3,000 of his $3200 dollar total. On an almost painful guess, he said, “Who is the Sundance Kid,” and added another $3,000 to his total. This put him easily within range of second place, only $800 behind Jennie. Only one category was left, when no one was able to get the “Dalton's,” for the $2000 dollar clue.

J.D., went on to the Organizations category to score first with the $400 dollar clue about Bill and Melinda Gates. Jennie gave an incorrect answer for the $800 dollar clue, which neither Sandie nor J.D., tried to answer, about the infamous, Lion's Club. The video clue for the $1200 dollar slot proved profitable for Jennie, who correctly guessed “Who is Diane Feistein,” who was once San Francisco's mayor, and is now a U.S. Senator. Sandie ended her Double Jeopardy round with the $1600 dollar clue, and Jennie rounded out the category with the “What is Shriner's,” which referenced the fraternal organization that has childrens hospitals, that see to the needs of sick and terminally ill children.

The Final Jeopardy round was all about Ancient Wonders. Dealing with the 2 Deities in the 7 Ancient Wonders, the contestants had 30 seconds to think about and come up with their answer. Both Jennie and J.D., guessed incorrectly with Apollo and Zeus. J.D., bet all of his $6600, which dropped him downt o $0. Jennie wagered $3805 which dropped her to second place with $5595. Sandie, while she didn't get the answer correct, also didn't wager much. Risking only $1,100 dollars she ended her 5th championship game with an even $20,000 dollar. This put her at a 5-day total of $115,200.

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