Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/21/2014

On tonight's Episode of Jeopardy,2-day champion-Frederique Delapree who is a foreign service officer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, looked to hold onto her title against the two new opponents. The first contestant we met, is Kris Voss-a doctoral student, from Durham, North Carolina. And our other female contestant was Julia Collins-a supply chain professional, from Kenilworth, Illinois.

The categories for the Jeopardy round in tonight's show are: Aboard “Ship”, The Captain, The Crew, The First Mate, The Sale Maker, and Higgs, Bosun. Frederique picked first and scored first, grabbing the $200 dollar clue for Aboard “Ship,” about the issue of censorship. Kris took at stab at the $400 dollar clue, but failed to come up with an answer. Julia took advantage of that and scored both the $400 and $600 dollar clues about, penmanship (handwriting) and marksmanship (accuracy when target shooting.) Julia also got the $800 dollar clue, and the $1000 dollar clue went to Frederique, about sportsmanship in the NHL.

Frederique then moved on to The Captain for $200 dollars, which she was able to garner. The $400 dollar clue wasn't picked up by anyone, but referenced the crest for the “Salvation Army.” Frederique landed on the Daily Double for the $600 dollar clue, and risked $500 dollars. Failing to come up with the correct answer, however, didn't net her any gain. The $800 dollar clue, also proved to stump the contestants, when no one was able to guess Henry Hudson as the captain who sailed on the Half Moon sailing ship. Frederique was able to snag the $1000 dollar clue about Queen Anne.

Julia grabbed the first $200 dollar clue in The Crew about the Merry Men from “Robin Hood and The Monk.” She also nabbed the $400 dollar clue, but missed the $600 dollar clue on an incorrect answer. Kris missed the $800 dollar clue, but came back to take the $1000 dollar clue about Henry V.

After the break, Kris chose the Higgs, Bosun category, which Julia snagged the $200 dollar clue for. She was also able to get the $400 dollar clue, although no one was able to get the $600 dollar clue about deckhands. The $800 dollar clue was also a difficult one, and proved to be one that no one answered. Kris snagged the $1000 dollar clue to finally get himself into the positive.

Kris moved on the The Sale Maker, for $200 which Julia was able to grab. Frederique was able to grab the $400, $600 and $800 dollar clues, but couldn't come up with the $1000 dollar clue. Neither were Kris or Julia able to answer the clue, about NCR-National Cash Register.

Just beginning the last category, The First Mate, Julia answered the $200 dollar clue; only to hear the timer buzz to end the round.

After the break, the contestants started Double Jeopardy with these categories: Less Than Genteel Men of History, Man Candy, The National Park System, 12+-Letter Words, and That's 70's Song.

Julia grabbed the $400 dollar clue for That's 70's Song, and Frederique swooped in to take the $800 dollar clue about, 'American Pie.' The $1200 dollar clue proved unbeatable, but Julia was able to grab the $1600 dollar clue, which referenced lines from 'Tiny Dancer.' She was also able to grab the $2000 dollar clue which doubled her total, and put her that much closer to Frederique.

The contestants moved on to Man Candy, where Frederique grabbed the $400 dollar clue. She also snagged the $800 dollar clue, but couldn't come up with the $1200 dollar clue about the popular Mike and Ike candies. Kris was able to score on the $1600 dollar clue, and landed on the Daily Double for the $2000 dollar clue. Risking a pretty hefty $2000 dollars, he wasn't able to come up with the “Oh Henry,” that he needed to succeed, and dropped down $400 for his total.

Coming back with confidence though, Kris picked the $400 dollar clue for The National Park System, and scored, with the right answer. Frederique tried for the $800 dollar clue, but guessed the wrong battlefield, which cost her. Kris then moved on the 12+ Letter Words, which Julia nabbed the $400 dollar clue for, Kaleidoscope. When Kris guessed wrong on the $800 dollar clue for the same category, the play went back to The National Park System for $1200, which Frederique was able to grab about “Cape Hatteras.” She then went on to land on the Daily Double for the $1600 dollar clue. Wagering $1500 she was able to snag a win with, “What is Sequoya National Park,” which referenced the great 'General Sherman.' The $2000 dollar clue went to no one, as none of the contestants felt confident enough to wager an answer.

The $1200 dollar clue for 12+ Letter Words stumped all the contestants, but they stayed for the $1600 dollar clue, as well. Julia nabbed the $1600 dollar clue, but incorrectly answered the $2000 dollar clue, which allowed Kris to walk away with it. Kris then moved on to Less Than Genteel Men of History and grabbed the $400 dollar clue. No one was able to guess the infamous, Black Beard, for the $800 dollar clue, however. Kris did move on the get the $1200 and $1600 dollar clues though. Attila the Hun remained anonymous throughout his clue, as no one grabbed the $2000 dollar clue.

Julia was on a hot streak for the Plays and Playwrights category, taking the $400, $800 and $1200 dollar clues; when the timer buzzed to end the round. This moved her into first place with $8000. Only putting her $200 dollars in front of Frederique, when facing the Final Jeopardy round.

The Clue for Final Jeopardy dealt with Historic Groups. Kris, the first to be tagged for the conclusion of the show, couldn't come up with the Hensiatic League and lost $3000, leaving him with $2200. Frederique wagered $7300 on the right answer and ended up in second with $15,100. Julia became the new Jeopardy champion, to end the game with $15,605.

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