Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/25/2014

Tonight's episode of Jeopardy ends another winning week for a female. Julia Collins-a supply chain professional from Kenilworth, Illinois is going for her 5th straight win, hoping to keep her streak alive against two new opponents. Hilary Gaughen-a veterinary technician from Hillside, California, and Aimee Seligstein-a recruiter from Memphis, Tennessee; both hoped to unseat Julia during today's competition.

All three ladies had these categories to contend with for the Jeopardy round: NBA Nicknames, Elevation Destination, Words of Pain, Recent History, Product Design, and Pick A Number Between 5 & 477.

Julia started with Recent History for $200, Aimee snagged the answer with Tsunami, related to the 2006 earthquake that triggered the disaster. She then skipped to the Pick A Number Between 5 & 477, guessing the $200 dollar clue for that category as well. Julia took the $400 dollar clue in the same category with 7-the number of syllables in the second line of a usual Haiku. Going back to Recent History, Julia snagged the $400 dollar clue there, about Affirmative Action. Julia also took the $600 dollar clue about Janet Yellen, the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve. The $800 dollar clue went the way of the do-do bird, because none of the three ladies took a stab at answering the clue. It referenced Alsisi, the general who ousted Mohammed Morsi from office, and promised new elections. Julia came back to snag the $1000 dollar clue to finish out the category.

Moving on to Product Design for $200, Hilary snagged the clue with Chicken McNuggets, which come in Boot, Bone, Bell and Ball shapes. Hilary then moved on to NBA nicknames for $200, which she promptly answered. Julia grabbed the $400 dollar clue for the same category, referencing Michael Jordan as “His Airness.” The $600 dollar clue wasn't answered by anyone but took a shot at Kobe Bryant, and Hilary snagged the $800 dollar clue about Yeo Ming with, “The Great Wall.” Julia took the last clue in the category about “The Worm,” which referenced, Dennis Rodman.

The game moved back to product design, where Hilary incorrectly answered the $400 dollar clue about Calamari, or squid. She guessed Octopus-a common misconception. Aimee snagged the $200 dollar clue in the Words of Pain category about, Good “Grief” from Charlie Brown.

After the break and a stint of getting to know the contestants; Aimee chose Pick a Number for $600, guessing the answer correctly of a 12 in the gambling game of Craps. Hilary incorrectly guessed 66 on the $800 dollar clue, which referenced a famous number on the sunset strip and also the atomic number of Iridium. The actual answer was 77. Julia snagged the $1000 dollar clue about the total number of seats in the House of Representatives, which is 435.

Moving back to Product Design, Julia correctly answered the $600 dollar clue about the 1950's model of the princess Telephone. Aimee grabbed the $800 dollar clue about the Kitchen Aid Mixer. She then landed on the Daily Double for the $1000 dollar clue. Making it a true Daily Double, Aimee doubled her money to $4000, when she correctly answered the clue about Hungarian toy creator, Rubik.

Aimee, very happy with herself, moved on to the $400 dollar clue in Words of Pain. Julia swooped in to snag the answer about “Agony”, and the Ecstasy. Julia also grabbed the $600 dollar clue about Suffer, as in “I do not 'suffer' fools gladly.” She kept up her hot streak with the $800 dollar clue as well. She then correctly answered the $1000 dollar clue for the category, after a misstep by Hilary.
Finishing out the last category in the Jeopardy round, the three ladies took on Elevation Destination. Aimee correctly answered the $200 dollar clue about Mt. Everest, and Julia took the $400 dollar clue aobut “One 'World Trade Center'”. Julia also got the $600 dollar clue, but in a rare mistake, incorrectly answered the $800 dollar clue. Hilary was able to come along and get closer to the positive, with “Who is Donald Trump.” Julia snagged the last clue for the Jeopardy round about Mt. Kilimanjaro.

When the Double Jeopardy round started, the contestants were given these six categories, War Stories (contestants had to name the War that goes with the story.) Musical Instruments, Category “Re” visited, Best Director Oscar Nominees, Societies, and Tough European Capitals

Hilary started the round with Best Director, and took the $400 dollar clue. The $800 dollar clue, however, went into the black hole as none of the three ladies were able to guess John Ford, who directed “The Quiet Man.” Julia scored the $1200 dollar clue about Sofia Coppola and her film, “Lost In Translation.” Julia also got the $1600 dollar clue, and Hilary came back at the end to grab the $2000 dollar clue.

Tough European Capitals was next on the list and Aimee scored first with the correct answer for the $400 dollar clue. The $800 dollar clue proved a tough one, as none of the contestants were able to answer it. The $1200 dollar clue went to Aimee as well, and her next choice-the $1600 dollar clue for Tough Capitals was one of two Daily Doubles. Wagering a nice $3000, Aimee was able to come up with the correct answer of Lisbon, the closest mainland European capital to the United States. Aimee finished up the category by scoring the $2000 dollar clue as well. This put her close to Julia for a very narrow second place.

Hilary scored first in the Category “Re” visited section, gaining the $400 dollar clue with Recede. Julia enlarged her margin with the $800 and $1200 dollar clues. Aimee held on by taking the $1600 and $2000 dollar clues, to finish out the category.

Julia snagged the $400 dollar clue for Musical Instruments with the ever popular Kazoo. The $800 dollar clue slipped through the cracks, but referenced the Dulcimer, which has two different types. Setting a change of pace, Julia went for War Stories which Hilary took the $400 dollar clue for. Julia nabbed the $800 dollar clue about “God's and Generals” by Jeff Shaara. His book about the American Revolution, “Rise to Rebellion” was the blue for the $1200 dollar clue, which no one took a shot at. Julia grabbed the $1600 dollar clue about the “Last of the Mohicans” being a story about The French and Indian War. The $2000 dollar clue was given up to the abyss as well, but gave reference to the Vietnam War.

The Societies category started off with Julia nabbing the $400 dollar clue about the ASPCA. Aimee took the $800 dollar clue about the Free Masons, which included all the generals who were at Valley Forge. The $1200 dollar clue was lost on the contestants as well, with no one guessing the Accordion. The $1600 dollar clue also went the way of the dodo as no one was able to get the glockenspiel. Julia did, however, come back to get the $2000 dollar instrument clue with Bassoon. Julia took the $1200 dollar clue, Aimee took the $1600 dollar clue, and the $2000 dollar clue-which was also a video Daily Double-also went to Aimee. Wagering $2000 in her hopes to get closer to Julia, Aimee wasn't able to come up with The American Cancer Society, for the correct answer.

The Final Jeopardy round was all about Computers. The clue read, The Creator of this computer command called it, “A 5-minute job,” In 2013, Bill Gates called it, “A mistake.” The answer, which all three contestants were able to get right, left Hilary with $5999, Aimee with an even $16000, and Julia added to her 5-day total with a whopping $29,700! Her grand total for all 5 days was, $102,810 dollars.

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