Thursday, April 10, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/9/2014

 During this episode of Jeopardy, two new contestants pit their knowledge against that of returning Champion Derrick Shivar, who won yesterday's game with a grand total of $22,800 dollars. Ed Hagar and Sandie Baker were all smiles as they were introduced to compete against the returning champ.

The categories for the Jeopardy round of today's show were; The Millers, Sports Idioms, State Schools, Sitting in Judgment, English Literature, and Album Filler. Derrick got the first pick and chose, Sport's Idioms for $600 which Ed snatched up, another term for a 2-dollar bill or a 40-40 split in Tennis; “What is a deuce.”

Sandy snagged the $200 dollar clue in the same category with a reference to 'only kissing', with “What is first base.” She stayed in the same category and also won the $400 dollar clue, as well as the $800 dollar clue. Ed tagged the last $1000 dollar clue with a reference to someone who criticizes a football game with the advantage of hindsight, “What is a Monday Morning Quarterback.”

Ed moved on to State Schools for $200 which he promptly snagged, which allowed him to pick the $400 clue for the same category. Derrick jumped on that clue with the correct answer and chose to play the $600 dollar clue for State Schools and gave Ed the opportunity to nail it down with “What is the University of Oregon,” a reference to Phil Knight who has invested more than $300 million into the athletics and academics of that university. Derrick snagged both the $800 dollar clue and the $1000 clue which was the Daily Double. Going for a “True Daily Double” Derrick would have been tied with Ed for the lead, but fell flat with an incorrect answer.

Moving on Derrick went with The Millers for $200 which Sandy snatched up in a heartbeat. Ed snagged the $400 clue in the same category and Derrick took the $600 dollar clue. But Ed owned the category, snatching both the $800 and $1000 clues.

After a round of “Get to know the Contestants,” Ed was able to pick the $200 Album Filler clue which Derrick answered incorrectly and Ed was able to snag. Sandy took the $400 and $600 dollar clues, and went on to clear out the category; winning both of the $800 and $1000 dollar clues. Even with an nice attempt by Ed to take the $1000 clue.

The contestants moved on to English Literature for $200, which Ed got, and then no one was able to guess the $400 dollar clue which referenced that last name of Dorothy Sayers', ' Lord Peter.' The correct response was, “What is Whimsy.” Ed came back to the lead by taking the $600 and $800 dollar clues, after Derrick incorrectly answered the $800 dollar clue. But Sandie kept it close with a score on the $1000 clue.

The last category, Sitting in Judgment, went back and forth, with Derrick digging himself out of the hole and Sandie taking back the lead with a nice answer to the $1000 clue. It asked about Judge Roy Bean's comment that he was the “Law West of This River.” The answer, which Derrick guessed incorrectly-to go back in the hole-was, “The Pecos.”

As the Double Jeopardy round came by Derrick was in need of some great categories. He was left with these; Hinduism, Fuel, Supporting Actor Oscars, Flowers, 1901-1910, and Your Own 2 “Y”s. The last category requires a response with two “y's” in the answer.

The contestants started off with the Fuel category. Sandie answered incorrectly on the $400 dollar clue, but Ed and Derrick split the remaining clues between them, with Derrick finally getting into the positive with the answer to the $2000 dollar clue, which referenced the used of “Hydraulic Fracking” to free trapped gas and liquid from deep earth rock formations.

Derrick moved on to the 1901-1910 category for the $400 dollar clue, which Sandie promptly guessed incorrectly; much to her chagrin. Derrick got the $800 dollar clue and won the Daily Double on the $1200 dollar clue, but lost $1000 dollars with an incorrect answer to the clue. Ed took the $1600 clue and moved on to the $2000 clue, which Sandie incorrectly answered to the tune of a $2000 dollars.

She was able to redeem herself slightly with a win on the $400 clue for Your Own 2 “Y's.” It referenced the secondary roads that aren't quite highways, but are “Byways.” She nailed the $400 clue when she chose the Supporting Actor Oscars as well. Sandie was owning the Oscars category and won all of the clues except for the $2000 one, which went to Ed. If referenced the movie “The Paper Chase.” for which John Houseman won an Oscar.

Moving on to Hinduism the $400 clue went to Sandie, and Ed took the $800 dollar clue as well as picking the next Daily Double on the $1200 dollar clue. Risking a hefty $3300 dollars Ed scored huge when he got the answer correct! Hindus believe in Kharma, and This-the moral law that governs individual conduct. The answer? “What is Dharma.” In this category, Derrick snagged the $1600 dollar clue, while Sandie took the $2000 dollar one.

Moving on to the Flowers category, no one was able to guess the $400 clue, but Derrick nabbed the $800 dollar clue. Ed took the $1200 dollar clue, but moved on to Your Own 2 “Y's” for $800.  Sandy got that clue right, and went back to the Flowers section. She took the $1600 clue, but no one was able to get the $2000 clue which referenced the 'white lotus' as this African country's national flower. The answer was “What is Egypt.”

Derrick was able to nab the $1200 dollar clue for the Your Own 2 “Y's” category, and got the $1600 clue as well. No one was able to get the $2000 clue about a condition that affects all werewolves, “Lycanthropy.”

The Final Jeopardy category was, Around the USA. The clue told of the Mayo Clinic which has a walking path with 1-mile, 5k and 10k walking distances within This structure. Derrick, who was in third place risked $6500 and got the answer wrong, which dropped him down to $300. Sandie took a guess with The Mall of America, risked $10,000 to put her in the lead with $22,400. Ed, who was in first place going into the final Jeopardy round, was not too pleased; when he also guessed incorrectly and wound up in 2nd place with $6, 999.

1 comment:

  1. Derrick Shivar on 4-9-14 got a raw deal on a very significant Daily Double answer which was this: "This university boasts "mesas to the west...the banks of the historic Rio Grande & the Sandia Mountains to the east. The "right" answer was supposed to be "What is the U of New Mexico?". BUT, the UNM is in reality to the EAST of the Rio Grande River!

    Checking up, I found the actual quote the Jeopardy! staff relied on for their question located on the UNM webpage...But what it actually says is this:
    "From the magnificent mesas to the west, past the banks of the historic Rio Grande to the Sandia Mountains to the east, ALBUQUERQUE is a......".

    So the Jeopardy! folks erred by altering the quote's wording to suggest that both the Rio Grande and Sandias are to the east of UNM. Therefore, Derrick's answer of the U of Arizona to a flawed question was arguably as correct as UNM. Mesas are to the west, and the Rio Grande and Sandias are east of AZ. Unfortunately it was a momentum breaker to lose all his money at that point, which may have cost him the game. (Dr Joe Budd)
