Sunday, April 27, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/24/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy, two new contestants desperately want to toss Julia Collins,a supply chain professional from Kenilworth, Illinois, off her 3-day reign as champion. Grace Riley is a writer, from Portsmouth, Arkansas, and James Behrens is a Geo-physicist from San Diego, California.

Getting right into the Jeopardy round, the contestants had these categories to master: Fill In The Movie Titles, From “B” to “Y” all responses must start with a B, and end with a Y, The Woman Who Wrote..., It Was An Accident, That Explanation, and Does Hold Water.

Julia started the game with the The Woman Who Wrote category for $200, and scored the first points of the game with “Who is J.K. Rowling.” referencing “Quidditch through the ages.” She came along to grab the $400 dollar clue as well, about Nora Ephron who wrote “Heartburn.” Staying with the category, the $600 dollar clue went to Grace about a poem inside the Statue of Liberty, the author was Emma Lazarus.

Grave then moved on to Movie Titles, snagging the $200 dollar clue about “Fast” Food Nation and “Fast” Times at Ridgemont High. James took the $400 dollar clue for Movie Titles with “What is Dark,” a reference to “A Shot in the Dark,” and “Dancer in the Dark.” Julia snagged the $600 dollar clue about, “Coming Home” and “Home Alone.”

Moving back to The Woman Who Wrote, Grace took the $800 dollar clue about Diane Warren's hit songs. Grace then went back to Movie Titles for $800, and James took it with “Top Gun,” and “Top Hat.”

James went for a new category, That Explanation, for $400, which he promptly snagged. Staying with that category he went to the $600 dollar clue. James took that one as well, but wasn't fast enough to beat Grace to the $800 dollar clue. Grace then finished out the Movie Titles category for the $1000 dollar clue, which James snagged with, “Lone Star,” and “Rock Star.”

Once again choosing a new category, James picked From B to Y, for $200, which he easily answered. Grace took the next $400 dollar clue about theft turning into burglary by entering someone's home. Her next clue, the $1000 dollar one for The Woman Who Wrote, landed her on the Daily Double. Risking $1000, Grace nailed her answer with Clara Barton, who wrote “An Official History of The Red Cross,” in 1882.

After a short stint to get to know the contestants a little, Julia started off with From B to Y for $600, which she took with Belfry, the bell tower usually seen on older churches. She also snagged the $800 dollar clue about the ever important bibliography. Finishing out the category, Julia wasn't giving up yet and snagged the $1000 dollar clue about securing someone to the end of a rope, as in mountain climbing, with Belay.

Moving back to That Explanation, Julia scored again on the $200 dollar clue about the ever mysterious, Bermuda Triangle. She snatched the $1000 dollar clue as well about the Salem witch trials and the fungus created on Rye bread.

Continuing her streak, Julia nabbed the $200 dollar clue for Does Hold Water, with Thermos, which means, “Hot.” Julia continued to impress, grabbing both the $400 and $600 dollar clues. James took a stab at the $800 dollar clue with, Viaduct, but was incorrect. Neither Julia or Grace took a chance on the clue which Vessel was the right answer for; but Julia did come back to get the $1000 dollar clue.

Finishing out the last category for the Jeopardy round, both James and Grace incorrectly answered the $200 dollar clue, about a Hot Air Balloon hitting a chimney in Tullamore, Ireland. Grace did come back to get the $400 dollar clue in the It Was An Accident category. It referenced the collapse of The Circus Maximus, in Rome. Julia showed up strong with the correct answers for the $600 and $800 dollar clues. Grace rounded out the Jeopardy round with 'Le Mans', a French town where dozens were killed in 1955, when a car flew into a crowd of spectators.

After the break, the Double Jeopardy round got started with these categories: Leo-The Pope, State of the Art, Legal Matters, Words Refashioned (the correct response will come from letters in a highlighted word in the clue), Singapore, and Sitcom Neighbors (contestants had to name the sitcom when given the infamous neighbor(s).)

James chose to go with Singapore for $400, but incorrectly guessed the answer for the clue. Julia snatched it up with, “What are Chinese.” the ethnic group that makes up a vast majority of Singaporians.

Julia then moved on to Sitcom Neighbors, which Grace nailed for the $400 dollar clue about Seinfeld and crazy Cosmo Kramer. Julia then came back to grab the $800 dollar clue about the Honeymooners. The $1200 dollar clue went into oblivion as no one tried to guess The Dick Van Dyke Show. Grace snagged the $1600 dollar clue about Winnie on The Wonder Years, and James swooped in to double his money on the $2000 dollar clue with, Married With Children.

James chose to go with Words Refashioned for $400, which Grace promptly got by turning, “Obligatory,” into “Bigot.” Grace also snagged the $800 dollar clue, but Julia stole the $1200 dollar clue with Lathe, made from the word Plethora.

Julia went on to pick the State of the art for $400, and took the clue to the bank as she guessed the correct answer. James snagged the $800 dollar clue about Georgia O'Keefe's painting, New Mexico. Grace nabbed the $1200 dollar clue about a mountain carved dedication to Crazy Horse in South Dakota. On a miss by James, Julia swooped in to steal the $1600 dollar clue about Watts Towers in California. On the $2000 dollar clue, Julia landed on the Daily Double. Wagering $2000, Julia wasn't able to come up with Louisiana, which referenced a painting by de Galle of his American cousin, Estelle.

Grace nabbed the $400 dollar clue about St. Peter in the, Leo-The Pope category. She went back to the Words Refashioned category for $1600, which she answered incorrectly, allowing Julia to steal the clue with Inquest, fashioned from Question. The $2000 dollar clue eluded the players as Saccharine was turned into Archaic, meaning antiquated.

Julia then snagged the $800 dollar clue for the Leo-The Pope category. Taking the $1200 dollar clue, Julia found the second Double Jeopardy clue and was able to maximize her wager of $2000 with te correct answer of, John Paul II. The $1600 dollar clue about Charlemagne, went to James. He was also able to grab the $2000 dollar clue about Constantinople.

Choosing to go back to Singapore for $800, James took the clue about the average Humidity percentage in the country. Grace snagged the $1200 dollar clue for the Legal Matters category which James chose. The $1600 dollar clue went into the abyss as no one took a stab at answering it. Julia did, however, swoop in to grab the $2000 dollar clue in the category with, “What are Torts.” She also grabbed the $1600 dollar clue in the Singapore category, leaving James to take the $2000 dollar clue about the Straights in the country.

Going back to Legal Matters, Julia grabbed the $800 dollar clue with Process Server, someone who delivers legal documents to a defendant or plaintiff in a legal case. James took the $400 dollar clue in the category about moving a case from Juvenile Court to adult court proceedings. The last clue for the Double Jeopardy round was the $1200 dollar clue in the Singapore category, which Julia snatched up to move the game into Final Jeopardy.

The Final Jeopardy category, was Diaries and Journals. The clue read as follows: This archeologists diary for November 26th, 1922 mentions 2, “Ebony Black Effigies of a King, Gold Sandalled.”

Grace, who was in third place, put it all on the line with the correct answer, and bumped herself into second place with $18,800. James couldn't guess the correct answer and wound up with just $1199 at the end. Julia who guessed the man who financed the expedition for Carter-who found the tomb of King Tut-also lost money, but nothing significant, with a small wager of $795. She ended her fourth straight win with $20,005. Her grand total for the 4-day streak was $73,110!

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