Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/28/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy, our 5-day champion, Julia Collins-who's a supply chain professional from Kenil, Illinois; tried to defend her title against two new contestants. First up is Sarah Shody, a laywey from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Next is Bob Kochersberger, a journalism professor from Raleigh, North Carolina.

During the Jeopardy round of play the contestants pit their knowledge against the following categories: What “ITIS” Is It?,Tennis Tips, Getting Possessive, 2-Letter Scrabble Words, Approximate Weights and Measures, Reign: The Passions and Power Struggles Around Mary-Queen of Scots, In Between The Lines of the History Books.

Sarah scored first in the Getting Possessive category, for $200, about a tiny little island off the Northeastern Coast, known as Martha's Vineyard. Bob scored next on the $200 dollar clue in the 2- letter scrabble words about a sound made when thinking, “What is Hm.”

Bob chose the What ITIS Is It category for $200, which Sarah promptly took. Julia was finally able to score on the $400 dollar clue for 2-letter scrabble words about a Yiddish expression of dismay with, “What is Oy!” Sticking with the category, Sarah took the next clue for $600 dollars. Bob came around to take the $800 dollar scrabble clue and moved back to the What ITIS Is It? For $400. Julia was able to grab that clue about Appendicitis, and Sarah got the $600 dollar clue about Sinusitis. Finishing out the 2-Letter Scrabble Words category, Sarah grabbed the $1000 dollar clue with “What is Or,” which referenced the color gold in Heraldry.

Sarah then chose the $1000 dollar clue about Hepatitis, but mistakenly guesses Arthritis to lose $1000. Bob swooped in to grab the $800 dollar clue, about contact, Dermatitis, or Poison Ivy/Oak, to finish out the category.

Going back to Getting Possessive, Sarah took the $400 dollar clue about St. Elmo's Fire, and Julia took the $600 dollar clue about America's Funniest Home Videos. Moving on to Tennis Tips, Bob was able to grab the $200 dollar clue about “What is bouncing the ball,” to stay lose. Back to Getting Possessive, Sarah grabbed the $800 dollar clue about Orion's Belt. Finishing out the category no one was able to come up with Caesar’s Wife as the lady who must be above suspicion.

Sarah moved on to the Reign: Queen Mary category and grabbed the $200 dollar clue about the Tudor family. Keeping with her streak, she also grabbed the $400 dollar clue about the Italian Medici family. Julia came by the nab the $600 dollar clue for the Reign category about Protestants being at odds with the Catholics. The $800 dollar clue sat unanswered, about the legendary visionary, Nostradamus. Julia stayed with the category to finish with the $1000 dollar clue, and landed on a video Daily Double. Risking a hefty $1500, Julia was able to come up with the Do-fan reference for a son who is Heir Apparent to the King.

Stuttering on the Weights and Measures clue for $200, Bob was able to get the right answer just in the nick of time. He answered with, “What is a slab,” referencing the pitching rubber in baseball and also a thick piece of stone or bacon. Julia then grabbed the $400 dollar clue in the same category, and Sarah nabbed the $600 dollar clue. Julia then took the $800 dollar clue about the Apostle Peter saying that charity would cover a “multitude” of sins; and Bob came back to get the $1000 dollar clue about items at auction being sold as one unit being a “lot.” He then went on to run the $400, $600, and $800 dollar clues in the Tennis Tips category. No one unfortunately was able to get the $1000 dollar clue about the two-handed backhand swing.

After the break, the contestants came back to handle these categories: German Cities, Fashion History, Starts With Double O, The Cole Porter Song Book, A Pig, and A Polk.

Starting off big, Sarah chose the $1200 dollar clue for Starts With Double O. Failing to snag that one, Sarah chose the $800 dollar clue and got it right with “What is Oops,” the lyric right before, “I did it again,” in the Britney Spears song. Julia came in to grab the $400 dollar clue about Oolong tea.

Switching to The Cole Porter Song Book, Julia changed things up for the $400 dollar clue. Bob took that clue, and Julia grabbed the next about Friendship, “blendship” for $800. Bob missed the $1200 dollar clue on a misstep, which Julia snatched up. However, Julia then incorrectly answered the $1600 dollar clue.

Moving on to Fashion History, Julia took the $400 dollar clue about “What is a hoop,” skirt, but no one was able to grab the $800 dollar clue. Julia did come back to get the $1200 dollar clue and again the $1600 dollar clue sat unanswered about Sabot shoes and “sabotage” being the type of destruction that peasants created when they stuck the shoes into machinery. Sarah swooped in to finish out the category by getting the $2000 dollar clue.

Moving on to Starts With Double O for $1600, Julia was able to snag the clue about putting some “Oomph,” in your day. She then finished out the category by getting the $2000 dollar clue about primordial, “Ooze.” Trying to round out the Cole Porter Song Book, no one was able to answer the $2000 dollar clue about Anna shows, and “Anything goes.”

Julia moved on to A Pig for $400 which Sarah took about the Durac breed being a “Lard” pig for the rendered fat that it is used to make. Bob took the next clue in the German Cities category for $400. Julia then took the $800 dollar clue about Nuremberg, and then landed on the Daily Double for the $1200 dollar clue. Risking a nice $1500, Julia was able to grab the prize by answer, “What is Cologne,” which referenced a perfume museum that has bottles of the fragrant perfume that date back to antiquity. Julia then increased her lead even more by getting the $1600 dollar clue. Sarah rounded out the category by grabbing the $2000 dollar clue.

Moving back to A Pig for $800, Bob was able to grab the clue about warthogs entering an aardvark shelter backwards to protect themselves. No one was able to snag the $1200 dollar clue about a boar being the Heraldic symbol for King Richard III. Sarah grabbed the $1600 dollar clue about a pig's snout being able to unearth food. Julia stayed in the game with the $2000 dollar clue about the smell of fungus being similar to the “pheromones” in male pigs.

Starting the last A Polk category, for $1200; Bob was able to come through with the correct answer about the laying of the cornerstone piece for the “Washington” monument. Bob then landed on the other Daily Double for the $1600 dollar clue. Wagering a big $3000 dollars, Bob wasn't able to come up with the correct answer about “Texas” wishing to join the United States. Julia came be to take the $400 dollar clue, while Bob won some of his loss back with the $800 dollar clue. That last $1000 dollar clue to finish the Double Jeopardy round went to, Julia about James Polk's campaign slogan being, “54/40 or fight.”

The Final Jeopardy round was all about Nobel Prize Winning Authors, and here is how the clue read: Due to 2 plane crashes in Africa, he was unable to accept his 1954 Nobel prize in person. Bob wasn't able to grab onto the correct answer and lost $2400 for the trouble, dropping him into third place. Sarah wagered $9,000 on Ernest Hemingway and increased her score to a nice $19,800. However, it wasn't enough to beat out Julia, who also answered correctly and wagered $3,000 to round her day out at $22,000 and increase her 6-day total to $124,810.

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