Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/11/2014

During this episode of Jeopardy three contestants, including yesterday's 2-day champion, Sandie Baker, vie for the title of champion. Monique Aldred and Rebecca Baird stepped into the game to try to unseat Sandie as the Jeopardy champion in tonight's show.

The categories for the Jeopardy round were Shakespeare With Spoiler Alerts, Fashion Abbreviations, Back to Baseball, U.S. Place Names, Know Your Car and Check Your “Oil.”

Sandie started the game off with the Shakespeare With Spoiler Alerts category for $200, which Rebecca promptly took with the appropriate response. Julius Ceasar, referencing a tale in which Julius is warned to beware the Ides of March, and because he doesn't he meets his doom. Sandie got the next $400 dollar clue with the popular English class assignment, Othello, referencing the main part of the story in which Othello smothers his wife because he believes her to be unfaithful. Risking $1000 on the Daily Double which she found on the $600 dollar clue, Sandie couldn't come up with Cordelia for the answer, and wound up $600 to the negative. Climbing out of the hole, Sandie took the $800 dollar clue to the popular Romeo protagonist. Monique gave the $1000 clue a try with “Who is Richard,” referencing a King who died in part 3 of his saga, but Rebecca was the victor with “Who is Henry the Sixth.”

Moving on to Fashion Abbreviations, Sandie quickly took the $200 and $400 dollar clues with “rtw-Ready To Wear” and “YSL-Yves St. Laurent,” two big design movements to happen to fashion in the last century or so. Making a couple critical errors Monique finally nabbed the $1000 dollar clue with “Diane Von Firstenberg,” helping to dig herself out of the hole.

Monique chose the Check Your “Oil” category next, in which Rebecca snagged the $200 dollar clue about the Recoil of a gun after it's been fired. Monique took the $400 dollar clue, while Sandie nabbed  the $600 and $800 and $1000 dollar clues to round out the category. She then picked the Back to Baseball category, where she scored the $200 dollar clue. Monique took the $400 dollar clue with an answer about the leading strike out pitcher who had an impressive roster of 5, 714 strikeouts. 

Monique chose to move on to U.S. Place Names for the $200 dollar clue, which Rebecca snagged with the correct answer, “What is Boulder,” about a town Northwest of Denver that gets it's name from the peculiar rocks formations in the area. Rebecca kept up her winning streak by taking the $400, and$600 dollar clues, before Sandie swooped in to take the $800 dollar clue. Rebecca came back strong though, to take the $1000 dollar clue.

Sandie managed to get the $200, $400 and $800 dollar clues for Know Your Car, but no one knew the $600 dollar clue, and Monique guessed incorrectly on the $1000 dollar clue. Returning to the Back to Baseball category, no one was able to get the $600 dollar clue and Sandie guessed incorrectly on both the $800 and $1000 dollar clues, however she remained a close second behind Rebecca.

Going into the Double Jeopardy round, Monique was set to go first by choose one of these categories: Welcome To Nashville, Beastly Rhyme Time, Women of Chinese Descent, Historic Battle, The Character Shall Remain Nameless, and Spot Me.

Starting out big with her choice, Monique picked Beastly Rhyme Time for $2000, unfortunately no one was able to guess, Oyster Cloister. Going with the $1600 clue, Monique chose, Sandie was able to boost her total once again, and continued on by also getting the $400 dollar clue. The $800 clue went to Rebecca who guessed, “What is a Fat Rat,” referencing an overweight rodent with a long tail. She also took the $1200 dollar clue, to round out the category. 

Rebecca chose to move on to Historic Battles and took the $400 clue. She went on to run the entire category, and hit the Daily Double on the $2000 clue. Unfortunately she lost $2000 when she incorrectly answered the clue about which island the U.S. Marines took in the Solomon Islands to help win air superiority in the Pacific. She answered, “What is Iwo Jima,” and the answer was actually, “What is Guadalcanal.”

Rebecca chose to move on to The Character Shall Remain Nameless. Sandie took the first two clues easily identifying “Fes” from That's 70's Show, and Clint Eastwood as “The Man With No Name.” Monique got on the board after a rough day, by answering the $1200 and $1600 dollar clues, and Sandie took the last clue to gain another $2000 dollars.

Moving on again to the Spot Me category, Rebecca took the first clue with the “What are freckles,” correct answer, about the spots of youngsters faces that can be hereditary or from sunburns. Then Monique took the $800 dollar clue with a correct answer about the tiny little divots on Domino game pieces. Rebecca snapped back to claim the $1200, and $1600 dollar clues. No one, unfortunately was able to get the $2000 clue.

Welcome to Nashville was up next with the $400 dollar clue, which Monique snagged with the appropriate, “What is the Grand Ole Opry,” referencing the show and venue that made country music famous. We then moved to Women of Chinese descent which Sandie took the $400 dollar clue for. Monique showed up strong in this category, claiming both the $800 and $1200 dollar clues. Landing on the Daily Double for the $1600 dollar clue, Monique took a risk by wagering $2500, and got the answer correct. Vera Wang was the youngest editor of Vogue, and later became a world renowned wedding dress designer. Sandie rounded out the category and moved into first place, with the correct answer for the $2000 dollar clue.

Monique took a misstep on the $800 clue for Welcome To Nashville, but Rebecca stepped up the claim it with the correct answer. No one was able to get the $1200 clue about Cornelius Vanderbilt-who did one major philanthropy, by donating $1 million dollars to build a University in Nashville-during his life. Sandie went on to guess correctly on the $1600 dollar clue, but no one guessed the final $2000 dollar clue about Studio B of the “RCA” studio in Nashville.

The Final Jeopardy round was all about Historic Irony. With Sandie in the lead with $13,800, Rebecca close behind with $11,000 and Monique finally doing well with $6700 it was an interesting end. Monique took a gamble and lost the $6700 she'd earned. Rebecca however doubled her earnings moving into first place with $23,600. Sandie, was triumphant yet again though, with the same correct answer to win out over Rebecca by a $100 dollar margin. This raised Sandie's 3-day championship total to $68, 600.

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