Saturday, April 12, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/10/2014

During this episode of Jeopardy, we have Sandie Baker-the returning champion from yesterdays show, defending her title against two new contestants. Jessica Guard, an entertainment litigation attorney from New York and a Justice of the Peace, Bruce Leaman-from Thunderbay Ontario, Canada; would both vie for Sandie's championship spot.

During the Jeopardy round the categories of play were as follows: Penny For Your Thoughts, T.V. Adjectives, Spot The Math Term, An Eco-Category, The 5 Families, and “D.C.” Power. Starting off the game, Sandie chose T.V. Adjectives for $200. Bruce jumped all over that clue, with the answer, “What is 'The Good Wife.” Good being the adjective. Jessica scored both the $400 and $600 dollar clues, and Sandie sneaked in to get the $800 dollar clue for “The ______ Dead.” The correct answer was, “What is Walking for the popular series, The Walking Dead. Rounding out the category, Sandie took the last clue for $1000 dollars by answering “What is different.” for the popular 80's show, Different Strokes.

Sandie moved on to The 5 Families for $200, which Jessica quickly took, guessing the Tudors, as a family that ruled England from 1485-1603. She stayed with the category for the $400 dollar clue, which no one was able to guess. It referred to a family who has had a member serve in Congress every year from 1947-2011. The correct answer was, “Who are the Kennedy's.”

Jessica jumped to Spot the Math Term for $200 and got “What is Median” for the correct answer. During this round, three words are given and the contestants needed to identify the math term among them. Bruce correctly guessed on the $400 dollar clue, and went back to The 5 Families for $600 dollars. Jessica took that clue and stayed for the $800 dollar clue, which Sandie nabbed with the correct answer.

Sandie landed on the first Daily Double on the $1000 dollar clue for The 5 Families, but guessed incorrectly that “Ghandi” was the original surname of the First and Third Prime Ministers of India. The correct answer was Nehru.  Switching gears to “D.C.” Power, Jessica was on fire as she whizzed through the $200, and $400 dollar clues, Bruce who'd missed the “D.C.” connection for the answer misspoke on the $200 dollar clue, but came back strong to get the $600 and $800 dollar clues. Sandie rounded out the category with the $1000 clue, it referenced the arcing row of seats where theater goers were expected to wear formal clothes. The correct answer? “The Dress Circle.”

The game play returned to Spot The Math Term, where Jessica stole the show by snagging the $600, $800 and $1000 dollar clues. She moved on to It's An Eco-Category, and kept up her streak with the $200 dollar clue about wind energy. Bruce snagged the $400 clue about turning your scraps into compost (the correct answer) which can then be used as fertilizer. A video clue for the $600 dollar slot, no one was able to guess the beautiful yellow flowers that were the clue. The beautiful California Poppies were in full bloom.

Sandie was able to snag the $800 dollar clue about using Epsom salt (which was named after a British Town) to add magnesium to your soil. The $1000 dollar clue talked about a Twin-Terminal structure for LED lights. Light Emitting Diode lights.

In the last category, A Penny For Your Thoughts, Sandie took the $200 dollar clue with a Pennywhistle, while Jessica snagged the $400 dollar clue about Shuffleboard, and Bruce took both the $600 and $800 dollar clues. He was close to the $1000 dollar clue but misspoke again, stating that answer as a Three Penny Black when in actuality he should have guessed just A Penny Black. This referenced the penny postage stamp (the first-ever adhesive stamp) that featured Queen Victoria.

As the Double Jeopardy round started, Jessica was in first place, followed by Sandie in second and Bruce sat in third place, but was the first to choose a category. His options were as follows: Supreme Court Justices, In The Dictionary, International Authors, Car “EER” opportunities, Central America, and Rock & Role.

Starting off with the In The Dictionary category, Sandie took the first two clues with Rumble-a word that once meant noisy and later referred to street gang fights, and rustler-of the cattle stealing variety. She then continued to run the category by scoring the three remaining clues and landing herself easily in first place.

She moved to International Authors and took the $400 dollar clue about James Joyce-who moved to Trieste with his wife Nora and taught English. Bruce battled back to take the $800, $1200, and $1600 dollar clues. He then landed on the Daily Double on the $2000 dollar clue. Risking nearly half of his $6200 dollar total, he lost $3000 on a clue about P.L. Travers who wrote “Mary Poppins” along with several other books.

Moving on to Rock & Role, Sandie took the first three clues, further widening her lead over her two opponents. Jessica did score on the $1600 dollar clue with a nice correct answer, referencing David Bowie. Bruce rounded out the category with the correct answer of Tina Turner for the $2000 clue.

Continuing on, the contestants opted for the Car “EER” Opportunities, where Sandie and Jessica went back and forth guessing the correct answers for the first four clues. Bruce swept in to grab the $2000 dollar clue about charioteers-men who raced horses and chariots during the Roman empire.

Bruce moved on to Central America where he answered incorrectly on the $400 dollar question about United Fruit, who is now a well-known banana company. He answered Dole and Jessica took full advantage of his miss, and gave Chiquita as the correct answer. Jessica then moved on the Supreme Court Justices and grabbed both the $400 and $600 dollar clues. Bruce got the $1200 dollar clue with Louis Frankfurter-who became a Supreme Court Justice 19 years after founding the ACLU. Going back to Central America, no one was able to guess Panama on the $800 dollar clue, and they were also stumped on the $1200, $1600 and $2000 dollars clue about Central America.

With only two clues left on the board, Bruce chose the $1600 dollar clue in the Supreme Court Justices category, and the last Daily Double. Still reeling from his $3000 dollar loss on the earlier Daily Double, Bruce only bet $100, but guessed the answer correctly to put him closer to a winning chance in the Final Jeopardy round. No one guessed the final clue in the category as the contestants went in to the Final Jeopardy round on Foreign Leaders, With Sandie in the lead with $14000, Jessica following close behind, and Bruce still very much alive with $8100.

All the contestants were able to guess Nelson Mandela as the influential leader the clue referenced, and while Bruce and Jessica ended their game with just over $16,000; Sandie held onto her championship to add $22,500 to her total from yesterday, rounding her out at a very nice $44,900.

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