Saturday, April 26, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/23/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy, two new contestants will try their hand at dethroning 2-day champion Julia Collins, who is a supply chain professional. Brad Wright is a distribution associate from Spartanberg, South Carolina. Last but not least is Zia Jones, an IT-consultant from Lake Forest, California.

During the Jeopardy round the contestants had these categories to contend with: Tech Education, Geographer's Dictionary, Latin Prefixes (the prefixes were supplied, the contestants had to supply the meaning), Cooking “P”'s (each response starts with the Letter P.), Touchdowns, and Conversions.

Julia started off the game with a $200 dollar clue in Latin Prefixes. The prefix Contra means Against, which Brad guessed to snag the first monetary gain. Brad also took the $400 dollar clue about circum, which means Around. Zia scored on the $600 dollar clue about Ambi-which means both; and moved on to Tech Education for $200.

Julia took both the $200 and $400 dollar clues in the Tech Education category, quickly bringing on a three way tie with Zia and Brad. Brad, however, didn't let it stay that way long, when he snagged the $600 dollar clue about the Laser Inkjet 400 printer by Hewlett Packard. Brad then went back to Prefixes for $800, which he nailed, only to lose $1000 when he incorrectly guessed the meaning of Infra as Between, when it actually means, Below.

Brad moved on to Touchdowns, and took both the $200 and $400 dollar clues. Brad took the $600 as well, with no one guessing the New York Giants for the $800 dollar clue. Brad finished out the category by taking the $1000 dollar clue about Joe Montana.

Brad then chose Conversions for $200. After a misstep by Julia, he was able to answer the clue about St. Patrick-who apparently converted the Irish to Christianity. Julia did come back on the $400 dollar clue about Rasputin, who was changed while staying at a Russian Monastery. The $600 dollar clue went back no one, but Julia landed on the Double Jeopardy for the $800 dollar clue. Risking $700, Julia was able to answer the clue about Christianity coming to Rome with Constantine. She was then able to score on the $1000 dollar clue about King and St. Stephen I, who converted the Hungarian people of Hungary to Christianity.

The contestants then moved on to Cooking “P”'s for $200, which went to Julia, along with the $400 dollar clue. Brad took the $600 dollar clue about “Poaching or Par-boiling” noodles, and Zia took the $800 dollar clue. Brad came back to finish out the round by grabbing the $1000 dollar clue about Pho.

Julia nabbed the $800 dollar Tech Education clue about Samsung, but no one took a risk on the $1000 dollar clue about the company, Tom-Tom. Finishing up the last category in the Jeopardy round, Brad snagged the $200 dollar clue, and Zia showed up to get the $400 dollar clue about the main municipality in a U.S., county, which is a County Seat. No one took a stab at the $600 dollar clue and the contestants went on to the $800 dollar clue, which Brad was able to get. The $1000 dollar clue stayed where it was, as no one was able to guess, “Enclave.”

After the break, the contestants returned to the Double Jeopardy round, and these categories. Literary First Names, The Body, The Man of the House, Before and After, “B” In The Top 40, and April...

Zia got to choose first and picked the body for $400, which Brad quickly snagged with “What Is The Kidney” about a clue for Dialysis treatment. He then moved on the Literary First Names for $400, which Julia was able to snag with Martin, for Mr. Chuzzlewit. Brad gave the $800 dollar clue a try, but was incorrect, putting him that much closer to letting Julia take the lead! Brad made another mistake on the $1200 dollar clue, which allowed Zia to pick it up.

She then went on to The Body for $800. Julia snagged it with, “What is the colon,” the largest section of the large intestine that a “colon”-oscopy is suggest for after the age of 50. Going back to Literary First Names for $1600, which no one was able to guess.

Wanting a change, Julia went for April...and took the $400 dollar clue about a “Garden” tool, as it's peaceful place month. Brad snagged the $800 clue. Going back to Literary First Names for $2000, Julia made a common mistake by pronouncing the man's name as Tristam, when in fact it is pronounced, Tristram.

Brad moved to “B” in the Top 40 for $400, which Zia snagged with, The Bee Gees. Brad grabbed the next clue for $800 with, “Who Are The Bangles.” referencing a trio of L.A. Women who hit No. 2 with their song, “Hazy Shade of Winter.” Julia took the $1200 dollar clue with Bonjovi, and Brad nabbed the $1600 dollar clue about Pat Benatar. He also grabbed the $2000 dollar clue about the Baha Men, and “Who Let The Dogs Out.”

Moving on to the Man of the House category, Julia grabbed the first clue, for $400 about Representative Paul Ryan, who's been in the House since he was 28. Brad took the $800 dollar clue as well, and landed on the Daily Double for the $1200 dollar clue. Wagering a hefty $2000, Brad was incorrect in his answer of South Dakota for a clue which referenced the state to which the only two, Native American representatives in Congress are from. The actual answer was, Oklahoma. Zia came along to take the $1600 dollar clue about Charlie Rangel representing Harlem since 1971. Zia was also able to grab the $2000 dollar clue for Daryl Isa.

Zia chose to move on to Before and After for $400, which Julia narrowly won, when she said, “What is Pulitzer Prize Fight.” the judges allowed it, but were looking for Pulitzer Prize Fighter. Brad took the $800 dollar clue with, “What is a Traffic Jam Session” referencing a stopped vehicle in which a jazz band plays music. The $1200 dollar clue was “Key-lime Pie Chart,” which no one was able to guess. Brad went on to land on the second Daily Double and wagered just a thousand this time around. It was a good thing too, as he wasn't able to correctly guess answer to the clue. The $2000 dollar clue also remained an elusive one as no one was able to guess, “What is a Beauty Queen's Council,” referencing the name of a pageant winner as an honorary term for a British Barrister.

Moving back to April...Julia went on a streak, getting all of the last three clues to bring her total up by $4800 for the $1200, $1600, and $2000 dollar clues! The last three clues went one to each contestant. Zia got the $1200 dollar clue about the Ventricle chamber of the heart. Brad got the clue about the main male sex hormone, Testosterone, and Julia ended the round with the $2000 dollar clue about the breastbone, or Sternum; after a slip up by Brad who answered with Clavicle.

The Final Jeopardy round was all about Holidays in Other Countries. Brad, who was in third place, stayed there with a $7700 dollar bid on answering the clue. He was incorrect with a guess of Sierre Leon. Zia was also incorrect in her answer, with a $7400 dollar wager. She guessed The Netherlands. Julia, who seemed a little shocked, guessed Liberia correctly, to bump her total up to $16,500. Her three day total as Jeopardy champion landed her at $53, 105.
The clue by the way, referenced William Tubman's thirty year leadership role in his country, is celebrated on his birthday, which is November 29th.

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