Saturday, May 3, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 5/1/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy the impressive Julia Collins once again worked to hold onto her title as Jeopardy Champion. She's a supply chain professional from Kenilworth, Illinois and has been winning up a champion streak for eight days now. On her nineth show, tonight, she'll see if she can add to her total winnings against two new contestants. Michelle Flaherty is a shelter advocate and caregiver from Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, amd Marlon Morris, who is a sales representative from Maywood, Illinois.

During the Jeopardy round of play the contestants took on these categories: Playing At The Casino, Multiple Meanings, Law Enforcement T.V., Scrambled Mammals, That's “Super”, and NY Times: Cooking.

Julia started out with NY Times Cooking for $200, which she correctly answered about a “Pesto” sauce made with pine nuts, garlic basil and olive oil. Julia also took the $400 dollar clue about homemade truffles. Michelle grabbed the $600 dollar clue about homemade mayonnaise.

Michelle moved on to Playing At The Casino for $200 and won that one as well about splitting two eights in the game of Blackjack. Julia won the $400 dollar clue about Roulette in Europe, and moved back to Cooking for $800, which she also guessed correctly about the Mandolin used in slicing up vegetables or fruits. The $1000 dollar clue about bundling your herbs for soups or stews, was left unanswered but was referred to as Boutique Gardni.

Julia then moved on to the $200 clue about That's Super, and took it in reference to the Super Bowl. Michelle grabbed the $400 clue about Super Glue and moved back to Playing At The Casino for $600. Michelle also grabbed the $800 dollar clue in the same category, as well as, the $600 dollar one. Marlon guessed Texas Hold 'Em on the $1000 dollar clue, but the right answer was Let It Ride. The 5-card stud based card game, deals three cards to the player and allows the Dealer's 2 cards to be Community cards. Michelle went on to Law Enforcement TV for $200 and took that clue as well, with NCIS about Mark Harmon.

After a short round of getting to know more about the players, we went back to Law Enforcement TV, where the $400 clue went unanswered but referenced the FBI profilers in Criminal Minds. Julia took the $600 dollar clue in the same category about the show Blue Bloods, and then went back to That's Super for $600. Julia took that clue with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Michelle grabbed the $800 dollar clue about the Super Ego and went back to LE TV for $800 and answered correctly with Law and Order: SVU. Michelle rounded out the category with the $1000 dollar clue about The Bridge.

The last clue in the That's Super category took two knocks when Marlon and Julia both answered incorrectly. It referenced Antares, the brightest star in the Scorpius Cluster as a Red Super Giant, not a Super Nova or a Red Dwarf.

The contestants then moved on to Scrambled Mammals where, Marlon picked up $200 for the first clue about turning Paroled into Leopard. Marlon then moved on to Multiple Meanings where Michelle snagged the $200 clue. She went back to Scrambled Mammals for the $400 dollar clue, which Julia picked up by turning Tuna Organ into Orangutan. Julia went back to Multiple Meanings for $400, which Michelle grabbed with the word Trim. Michelle went for the $1000 dollar clue in Scrambled Mammals, but no one could turn Upper Icon into Porcupine. The $800 dollar clue for the same categoy also proved difficult as no one could turn Edible Stew about a Gnu, into Wildebeest. Feeling sort of at a loss Michelle snagged the Daily Double on the $1000 clue for Multiple meanings. Michelle risked $2000 of her total $6000, and guessed the Long-billed game bird or to shoot from a hidden position, correctly. She took the clue with the “What is Snipe,” answer.

The Double Jeopardy round started with a familiar category: Playing At The Casino, 19th Century France, Pointy On The Map, Authors' Fictional Places, Khan Test, and On The “Q...T” ( Each answer must start with a Q and end with a T.)

Marlon started big with the $1600 dollar clue for Playing At The Casino. Michelle incorrectly guessed Faith Hill for the clue, which left the door open for Julia to give the right answer of “Who is Shania Twain.”

Julia moved on to Authors' Fictional Places for $400. When the clue went unanswered, Julia then moved to 19th Century France for $400. Julia grabbed that clue about Napoleon Bonaparte, and Marlon made a misstep on the $800 dollar clue by guessing A 1000 Leagues Under the Sea instead of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Julia however was able to steal that clue with the correct answer. Continuing in the same category, Julia got the $1200 clue, and landed on the Daily Double for the $1600 dollar clue. She wagered a nice $1500, and got it right with Algiers, to take an effective lead over Michelle.

Michelle answered back, however, by taking the $2000 dollar clue in the 19th Century France category about the Dance Hall, the Moulin Rouge. She then went back to Playing At The Casino for $400. After a rare miss by Julia, Michelle was able to grab the $800 clue as well, referencing Green Day and David Copperfield. Michelle also grabbed the $1200 dollar clue about Houie Lewis and “The News.” And Marlon came back to get the $2000 dollar clue about Lewis C.K. Who headlined in Las Vegas.

Moving on to Pointy On The Map, Michelle incorrectly guessed on the $400 dollar clue, which neither Julia nor Marlon tried to answer. She came back though, to grab the $400 clue in the Khan Test category. Moving to the Fictional Places category, Julia grabbed the $800 clue for Lake Wobegone. Julia also snagged the $1200 dollar clue and Michelle came along to get the $1600 dollar clue.

Michelle then chose the On The “Q...T” category for $400, which Julia was able to grab with Quartet. Julia went back for the $2000 dollar clue in Fictional Places and landed on the other Daily Double. She risked a big $3500 to take the lead, and got it right, with “Who is Tom Hardy.” Michelle came along to grab the $800 clue in Q...T, with Quaint. She then went back to Pointy on the Map, for $800. Michelle took that clue, and Marlon grabbed the $1200 dollar clue with the country of India. Marlon went big for the Q...T for $2000, only to run out of time before he could formulate his answer. Julia grabbed the $1600 dollar clue for the same category, but no one was able to answer the $1200 dollar clue about being, “Quiet,” when going angling or fishing. Julia incorrectly guessed Kubla Khan for the $800 dollar clue on Khan Test and Marlon was able to grab it and the $1200 dollar clue about Shaka Khan. Julia snagged the $2000 dollar clue about Shear Khan in the Jungle Book. The $1600 dollar clue about the Sears Tower proved to be a difficult one as no one took a stab at answering it. The timer buzzer went off before the last clue could be read, and the Final Jeopardy round was all about U.S. States.

The Final Jeopardy clue read like this: Other than the letter Q, these two letters appear least in the names of states, each appearing only once. Marlon wagered nothing and ended up with $2200 after getting the final clue wrong. Michelle also got the final clue wrong and dropped down to $4401. Julia on the other hand got the clue right with “Z and J” for Arizona and New Jersey. She wagered a huge $11,700 to make her nine day total $198,710!

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