Thursday, May 1, 2014

Jeopardy Episode for 4/30/2014

On tonight's episode of Jeopardy, Julia Collins-a supply chain professional from Kenilworth, Illinois will try to keep up her impress winning streak as she takes on two new contestants to the game. John Odgen is a communications executive from Silver Springs, Maryland, and Mallory Howe, who is an eighth grade History teacher from California; both hope to unseat Julia as the next Jeopardy Champion.

Starting off with the following categories, the contestants had their work cut out for them: Let's Speak Canadian, Between, Dad T.V., How They Died, From “C” to Shining “C” (each correct response should begin and end with the letter C.), and The Art of Norman Rockwell.

Julia got to choose first, and scored first with the $200 dollar clue about The Art of Norman Rockwell. It referenced his collection of more than 300 covers for the popular, Saturday Evening Post. Julia also snagged the $400 and $600 dollar clues, but Mallory was faster on the $800 dollar clue and moved on to Let's Speak Canadian for $200. John snagged the $200 dollar clue and stayed with the same category.

On the $400 dollar clue Julia made a rare misstep by guessing “What is Gas.” as the source that Hydro Bill might bring, John stole that clue with “What is Electricity.” The $600 dollar clue about “Deke”, being a hockey move that fakes a defender off his mark, is short for Decoy, remained unanswered. John came back to grab the $800 dollar clue, and Julia snagged the $1000 dollar clue about a “Tuque,” being a type of hat.

Julia moved back to the $1000 dollar clue for The Art Of Norman Rockwell, and landed on the first and only Video Daily Double for the Jeopardy round. Risking a hefty $1000, she guessed that “DaVinci” sculpted the famous piece of art that Rockwell used for posing his football player in “The Recruit.” Unfortunately for her, it was Michelangelo, who completed the sculpture of Juliano DeMedici.

Moving on to Dad T.V., for $200 Mallory snagged the clue about I Love Lucy, and Julia got the $400 dollar clue with, “What is Happy Days,” Mallory took the $600, $1000 and $800 dollar clues to round out the category.

After the commercial break, Julia snagged the $200 dollar clue in the Between category, about a Baritone voice when a man is singing. John took the $400 dollar clue about President Grant and Julia came back for the $600 dollar clue about Catching Fire, being the sequel to the Hunger Games and the prequel to Mockingjay. Julia also took the $800 dollar clue, and on a stumble by John for the $1000 dollar clue, Mallory was able to score. She called Des Moines as the capital that comes between Denver and Dover.

Moving on, Julia grabbed the $200 dollar clue in How They Died. John grabbed the $400 dollar clue about the beheading of Sir Thomas More. Julia grabbed the $600 dollar clue about the drowning of Percy Shelley. Mallory snagged the $800 dollar clue about the hanging of Mary Suratt, and John got the last $1000 dollar clue about the stoning of Stephen in the Bible.

Finally getting to the From C to Shining C category, Mallory scored early with the $200 dollar clue, calling Chic the French version of fashionable. Julia grabbed the $400 dollar clue about being Catholic. Julia also grabbed the $600 dollar clue about the “Cosmic” universe and John snagged the $800 dollar clue about the catatonic state of some people, especially those with Schizophrenia. After a miss by Mallory, the $1000 dollar clue went to John about the ancient Coptic language of the Egyptians.

The Double Jeopardy round came out swinging with these categories: Poets and Poetry, We “R” The Wold (Each response must start with the letter R.), Let's Agree On A Price, The Middle Ages, Low-tech/High-tech, and National Spelling Bee Winning Words.

The $1200 dollar clue for The Middle Ages fell flat when no one was able to come up with Aristotle and Plato for the clues answer. Julia grabbed both the $1600 and $2000 dollar clues for this category, even referencing a “Doomsday” book.

Moving on to Low-Tech/High Tech, Mallory missed the $400 dollar clue, and neither Julia nor John took a stab at it either. It referenced the two simple steps to reboot your computer: Turn it off, and then turn it on. Julia moved on to Poets and Poetry after that and grabbed the $400 dollar clue about the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Julia also snagged the $800 and $1200 dollar clues, one even referring to the Austalian Outback as, “The Bush.” Taking the $2000 dollar clue for the same category, Julia landed on one of two Daily Doubles, and was surprised to find that her answer for her $3000 dollar wager was right.

After moving on to We R The World, John was on a roll for the category, taking the $400, $800 and $1200 dollar clues. However, he was so sure of his streak that he flat lined on the $1600 dollar clue. Julia swooped in to pick it up with the correct answer, and Mallory grabbed the $2000 dollar clue about Roanoke, Virginia.

John snagged the $800 dollar clue for Low-tech/High Tech about using your Conair blow dryer on an ink cartridge to loosen up the last of the ink. He then moved on to The Middle Ages for $400, which Mallory got right about the island of Greenland. Mallory snagged the last Daily Double on the $1200 dollar clue in the Low-Tech/High Tech category. Risking just $1000, she got the answer correct about using a salad spinner as a Centrifuge for diagnosing Anemia. John got the $1600 dollar clue for the Low-Tech category and moved on to The Middle Ages for $800 to finish out the category. Julia grabbed that clue and went on to Let's Agree On A Price.

She snagged the $400 dollar clue in that category and went on to get the $800 and $1200 dollar clues as well. The $1600 dollar clue went unanswered as none of the contestants could come up with Rules of Engagement. Julia came back to grab the $2000 dollar clue for the Price category as well.

The last clue in the Low-Tech category remained unanswered as well, when no one was able to come up with Air gap to answer the clue.

Holding it off until last the Spelling Bee Winning Words category for $400 went to Mallory who correctly guessed and spelled Luge. Julia was able to get the correct answer for the $800 dollar clue and John grabbed the $1200 dollar clue about the WWII Japanese KAMIKAZE pilots before the timer buzzer went off to end the Double Jeopardy Round.

The Final Jeopardy round centered on Album Covers and the clue read as follows: This band used a picture of the Hindenburg Disaster on the cover for it's Eponymous Debut Album. All three contestants were able to get the answer correct with Led Zeppelin. However, Julia remained Jeopardy Champion, adding $25,700 to her 8 day total of $170, 610 dollars!

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